Thursday 6 August 2009

Things I will apreciate more

I have come to really appreciate the small things since I have been in Korea. There are so many things that are different or things that Korea does not have that the United States does. The first thing is pickles. Anybody that knows me know that my favorite food is pickles and I would probally die without them. Korean pickles are not real pickles. They taste like bread aand butter pickles and I do not like those. Thank Goodness for the base. When I finally got a pickle, it was so wonderful that iI will never not appreciate pickles again. This goes for popsicles-well flavor ice too. Korea popsicles are real fruit popsicles- there is no biting them and getting a bite of ice- just a bite of a frozen smushy fruit. I think the biggest thing that i will appreciate when I get home is the bathtub. Since my whiole bathroom is the shower and all I have is the shower head, I do not have a bath tub. I miss laying in hot water reading a book with bubbles in the bathtub and a wine glass at my side. Ahh... Another thing is the dryer. I absolutley hate hanging my clothes up and waiting two days for them to dry. Not fun. I am an American. I like instant gratification. I do not have the patience to wait on the clothes to dry!! I miss my oven. I do not have an oven so nothing can be baked, or roasted. I can not make desserts or casseroles. My biggest thing is how do i cook thanksgiving dinner for my husband without an oven? My wonderful best friend Bree suggested a fryer. I can just see me out on the Sidewalk cooking a turkey for thanksgiving. I'm sure the Korean's will get a kick out of that one!! LOL. I miss television. I have become so dependent on ovguide, project free tv, and all the other free tv internet streams. The idea of watchiung tv unpixilated is proposterous!!! I can not wait. COrey and I have joked that we will not leave the couch and the tv for a week straight when we get home. Driving is a big thing I miss. To just get in your car, crank up the tunes, and drive. At least Corey has a car here. The smell of gasoline when he was filling up gave me such a warm feeling of home. It's wierd how smells can trigger memories

So although I am really enjoying Korea, there are definatly things I miss. So tonight watch tv, make brownies, dry your clothes, go for a drive and think of me!!

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